Friday, June 5, 2009

non stop non stop non stop non stop non stop non stop


Bonjour les ami(e)s BBC is back again dropping mad clips on you. Today we kinda switch up the format. This post is all HIP-HOUSE and I think it's all 1989 as well. I just bought a full deck of "rad dudes" trading cards from 1990 and it's got me really nostalgic for that time in my life. Anyways HIP-HOUSE music is joyous like fridaze and I'm throwing you a whole bunch of shit. Notably a documentary on HIP-HOUSE if you want a bit of context. As well as a lot of videos by various hip-house artists. There was a GREAT Fast Eddie and Sundance video that has no embedding on youtube and it's not even universal or some stupid record company. Fast Eddie is probably just holding onto the dream haha. Alright. Dance yo friday away mes ami(e)s.

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