Something big had to get me to post again. Ever since my adventures in latin america I have had trouble finding interest in anything. Dark dark dark times. The only new shit I've been listening to is ASAP rocky and Lil B. 75% Lil B. Odd Future have turned me off cuz they're trying too hard at being 4chan. New new shit has gotten me stoked on music/hip hop/looking for things again; updating. Again gotta thank the Mishka Bloglin for putting me on to this artist... you MUST check out SOMADAMANTINA
She's a rapper from Madrid but little else is known, she's going down the obscurantism path of publicity espoused by the witchhouse movement. Her only "official" image is a mash up between hip hop and salafi fashion. Lyrically she doesn't really stray far from rap orthodoxy but in spanish and coming from a woman it's pretty new and feels fresh as fuck. The beats she raps on are dark, creepy and crawly and her flow trickles along accordingly. Like a black widow slowly spinning her web, precisely watching her step instinctively. Although I'm sure Madrid has it's share of fucked up colonias her accent makes her sound classy as hell to my Quebexican ears, although she does drop a wey. Everything together makes her the artist I'm the most excited about since Lil B or Titus Andronicus. If I were her manager I would get her to relocate to Tijuana. The kids out there would eat this shit up and it's mad close to L.A.. The city better reflects all aspects of her deal. I can't stress enough how good this is and how excited I am to see how Somadamantina's career develops. This shit is for the sophisticated and refined cholo.
I hate when people hate one thing cause they love another. I hate jocks but american football is the shit and I can live with that. My team has always been the BUFFALO BILLS. I'm from the early 90s really so you can respect my child brain choice.
Bills have sucked the worst thing one could for more than a decade now.
Still early but the Bills seem to be a fucking good team this year.
I think this song is inflencing me tho....
Stevie Johnson is B-LO's best reciever and he's maybe the most hipster player in the league. His touch down dances are often shout outs to LIL B. Like what the fuck how cool is that? Fuck a lambeau leap.
Fuck the Patriots. Fuck a Jet. I'm veg but hate the fish.
I used to despise electronic music as a whole in the 90s. My friend in 98 showed me some old Prodigy records and some jungle and I was like yeah this shit is tight but the people still look like idiots. Fastforward and all these germans on this video make their music with an ipod or some shit. The sounds are way more varied and so are the scenes. This has allowed me to jump in to a lot of cool ass music. Still this video makes you respect people that made the cheezy techno of old.
I've recently figured out how to reblog tumblr stuff really fast so I think that "blog" will be getting some semi constant amor. Still Québec focus but rebloging stuff will widen the scope a bit more.
Ok my loyal friends. No more apologies for time. I do what I do when I do with 100% love. Only sorry imma drop is to some Tijuana friends I should talk to more on-line. Yo Ian yo pic got fucked up by the dangers of film photography. You will see, it's not perfect like it could have been but there is still something to appreciate. This will be accompanied by a semi serious essay so wait until xmas! THE REAL NORTH! It will be cool en serio wey. Orale today we kicking this shit insane. I'm going to puke upon you the music shit I have been fucking with these days (and in some cases, a long ass time). One love to jah my sisters and brothers.
Start with a deservedly HYPE song right now. Campeon del pueblo en la casa wey.
Homie needs a sprinkle of his old style (like this song) on his new shit and he is the Mickey Ward of hip hop beating up people.
À cause c'est encore swag gros nez (pense).
C'est le théâtre local fucking bon et bizarre, honnête et on complètement éliminé le désir d'avoir du succès aux yeux des autres. Et des fois ça te bouge plus l'intérieur que de l'art "supérieur". Lil B yé beau (n/h lul que?) dans cte chanson icitte.
This shit is not the technically "the best" rap it's got something that gets you. Now I won't pretend to have some super hood experience but from my journalistic and criminalistic travels I've come to get a oral history of the current and very recent situation in northern Mexico and how it interacts with the growing HOODNESS of the the american south west and Alta California (puro mexicans I'm talking about when I use the term). So these kids are spittin to you from Denver. Ok yeah they have Carmelo Athony and shit. But they got mad legal weed over there on that side. They are contiguous to the southwest. A lot of real hustlers will move round the country to make shit happen or run away from something. Some of these foos are from the town (oakland). I'm gonna watch Paris is Burning but these are noretenos gonna bring very probably dose of REALNESS first. Mexican CNN. If Rick Perry gets elected this situation will EXPLODE to levels of blood shed that are (as we speak) already eclipsing the American Civil War, The war of 1812, The Mexican American War and the Seven Years war combined. The statistically absurd amount of bloodshed of the brutal Aztec theocracy melded with the fury of the Apaches and Pancho Villa's most murderous posse, combined. How's that for some context to what this song is connected to.
Je give pus un fuck de ses albums (2-3 chanson legit). mais il va chier un mixtape fucking verdad de temps en temps. Ceci en est un. GYEAH!
Mi proximo "about to puke" karaoke. Donde estas mi spanslish carnals wey?
This is the song I will sing AFTER I puke. jajajaja.
A guide to Cartel, Narco and Mexibro fashion. ARGUABLY encouraging a life of carnage at a young ass age. LOVE IT!
A 100% safe song to play in any cantina that no one will hate you for putting on and it talks about the mexican state I love most. IMMA YAQUI. NOGALES, HERMOSILLO, GUAYMAS, EMPALME OBREGON, SAN CARLOS, PROJETE NIZA Y MARSELLA. I see you all. WARNING, the song I am talking about starts at 7 minutes 35. Before that you will hear really cool Yaqui (sonora's largest first nation, closer to the Apaches than the Maya) and some kind of old school slow song by a Sonoran dude. regreso una dia.
Staying in a south west theme.
History will Absolve my goddie Push-T
Got much love for Spank Rock and I wish the man success. I don't think he should call out white boys for copying him cause he done imitated some white boys. As he should, a Godard view of copying needs to apply for any hip hop wishing to truly be progressive. I think all the rappers I linked today would agree with me upon watching the French director's oeuvre as well as some Yugoslav new wave.
Signing off it's your hardcore blog writer aka crack slinger
Shit kinda got bummered and my output suffered. No excuse cause I've been pretty stationary. No more money for film, no more money for much of anything. In the north this is not a problem. Some type of hustle is always right around the corner if you got the will. The south is definitely indian country. Peeps are much more closed down here, focused on their own deal. Plus you can't squeeze blood out of a stone. It's also filled with int'l hippies. You can't do business with these people. The mexi-hippies that come down here are just looking to rip a man off and bang a dreaded white girl from the UK. I really miss the cholos. Going to Mexico City tomorrow. Plan is to try to get this leg of the trip funded by the owner of Telmex's daughter.
I decided to not post my TJ pics just yet. I'm in the process of writing something a bit more substantial to go along with it. I give you a bit of baja and a bit of San Diego.
SD at first sucked cause it was directly compared to TJ. After hitting L.A. tho, I really appreciated it. If you have the money it can be pa-ra-dise. Shouts to my O.B. homies, ducking the east county boys.
This is actually from January at a spot on the pacific called YELAPA in Jalisco. Truly the most relaxing place on the planet. No cars, only 2 cops, rad locals and riiiiiich tourists with taste. I was sleeping on the beach with my man Antonio Chippy. This pic is from a huge cantina that was almost empty. Wild dance party.
2 dudes I would do anything for. Best guys I met during my time down here.
Spent a lot of time in this abbarotes. (mexican corner store ran out of a house)
The cantinas I went to in Sonora had this sign up. REALIDAD. Welcome to the north.
Church in Baja that was designed by Eiffel. whoa.
Across the street from said church.
I crossed the sea of cortez by boat. The pelican is my spirit animal.
Hitchhiking in Baja was the most relaxing way to travel. A part from being stuck in the desert for hours at one point. Back of a pickup is a THE way to see a country.
Oldest church in baja. The missionaries literally wiped ALL the indigenous people by way of disease. All part of God's plan!
Ok still up on the border. I am a fixer for a bad ass norwegian fotog. I love hustling up contacts and access in god damn spanish. I have a fuck load of pics ready to go but I need to get my PC to do it.
Tijuana is top 3 for all of north america. GO THERE NOW.
Yo lost my god damn yashica in Cabo. That place is a money vortex if I ever seen one. Still gotta give a big shout to the door guy at the hotel Casa Blanca as well as my new friends from San Diego (thanks for the knife!). Nevertheless, I still got a pretty sweet olympus to get my fotog on. I really would take more cliches but I swear all the best spots I hit are kind of no foto areas. Fuck around and get your head cut off. In a way that's cool but I wish I could share some of the insane visuals. Cock fighting training camp was a high light of my soon to be old life.
Still, I found this decent looking BYOB electro party in Tijuana (where I'm at ahorita). Let's hope there's a good ammount of peeps. Hard to top a Sonoran shithole cantina in my mexican nightlife experience.
Shit, should also say I was living at this cool surf spot in a makeshift squat with a real road warrior from B.C. I was like yeah I'll stay the night and stayed a week. Up there in really nice memories. Shame I lost those pics with my unique as fuck Yashica. Whatever, just hope the tweaker who found it sells it to a hipster or something.
Wanted to get a fucked up guadaloupe tat in TJ but the prices are the same as in Canada. You know I'll take an infectious disease for a bargain but fuck that, I gotta eat. Still I think the tat will go up when it can but it would have been ill to say I got it in TJ. fuck mario jean.
Shouts to Scarred Luv, Ska Jeezy, Paul G pass and all you fucks. Not at all missing home but it would be unfathomably wild having some of you at my side dodging the municipales.